Solutions - igentify

One solution

for every need.

Use an easy and visual end-to-end platform

to streamline the genetic pipeline and efficiently

facilitate any screening service. Igentify’s platform

can help with:

Expanded Carrier Screening (ECS)

Pharmacogenomics (PGX)

Noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS/NIPT)

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Genetic labs.

Interpret and report patient genetics with confidence.

Automate and rapidly translate genetic data into actionable laboratory

reports. Igentify gives genetic labs the tools they need to be efficient,

precise, and flexibility without compromise.

Generate reports
Couple patients
Handle no-calls
Calculate residual risk

Genetic clinics.

Focus on your patients. Ditch the paperwork.

Digitally enroll and educate patients in the clinic or even before they arrive.
Our multilingual and media-rich application lets you
retire paper documents and streamlines any genetic service.

Improve retention
Consent faster
10x faster enrollment
Reduce face-to-face visits

Healthcare providers.

Leverage patient genetics and lead your
practice into the future of healthcare.

With Igentify in your corner, you don’t need to be a genetics expert or staff one.
Our Digital Genetic Engine will handle enrollment,
translate genomic data, and give you clinical recommendations.
Formulate actionable reports and treatment options in minutes.

Enroll in minutes
Focus on at-risk patients
Receive clinical recommendations
Reduce risk